The D12 a (vaguely) virtuous, partly employed group of “hardcore cynics”, tax exiles, entrepreneurs, sheep farmers, communist stooges, private equity fiends, odd consultants and “dodgy foreigners”.

Our esteemed group gather monthly to remove ourselves briefly from the reprisals of the world and break free from the weekly culinary routine in order to put joy in the eyes (and wallets) of our medical vampires with good honest lashings of meat that carnivore’s kill for.
The D12 logo

Imagery from our
monthly Lunch invites

The D12 is
commited to:


Celebrate great camaraderie and conversation, wit and insults directed at anyone we please.


Engage in phenomenal feats of historical recollection in bold attempts to stave off the encroaching “Harry Alzheimer”.


Bring order and progress back to the forefront of everyone’s mind confirming things are not so crazy really.


Let the Uncommon Sense and Common Nonsense ebb ‘n flow freely while we carve up whatever is placed in front of us.


Come away from our Friday excesses with the knowledge that we have put the world to rights (and slaughtered them all, horribly), with great pleasure.

Among other things

Our Monthly Lunch

We gather for lunch once a month in São Paulo on a Friday, either in a restaurant or in “The Safe Zone”.


Shared by members & guests without profit or group fees. Either paid directly to the restaurant or to the lunch host. Values vary between R$ 260 and $300 pp. The menu usually is comprised of: Entree / Main Course / Dessert / Wine(s) / Water / Coffee.


Are most welcome.

The Safe Zone

It’s a family venue offered by one of our most distinguished members and “Chef” – where our wives and partners still trust that our excesses will be very well taken care of.

Safe Zone Rules


There are no emergency exits, only emergency entrances to allow D12ers to flee from the urban chaos and alimony payments for a brief time.


Should an empty wine glass appear in front of you, please fill your own glass first before attending to any nearby small children.


Turbulence should be expected, mostly once the discussion turns to politics after dark, or consumed too much broccoli.


There are no smoke detectors in the lavatories, but what you smoke may be monitored.


Someone that we don’t know might “slap” some sense into anyone that misbehaves.


We don’t talk about sex now.


“…the problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they’re going to have some annoying virtues, so best we continue to err on the side of caution and avoid that remote possibility.”

C. a D12 member.

If you would like to attend one of our lunches please fill out the form below. 

The D12 logo


© 2014 – 2023 D12 Group